Tag: thinning hair

re:tune Inner Beauty Collagen Booster for the Win!

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Disclaimer: This is my own personal experience and not intended to be medical advice!

The word “grandmother” conjures up an image, doesn’t it? I picture my blue-haired, pin-curled Grandma in her floral polyester dresses, beads, and shiny nylons that she wore no matter what she was doing or where she was going. And my Nana, who wore plaid cotton “Nana dresses” as I called them that zipped up the front, bare legs, Keds slip-ons, no makeup, and her long hair always up in a perfect French twist.

Now that I’m a Nana myself, I have pretty much the same style that I always have – jeans, t-shirts, cardigans, and Chuck Taylors, Toms, or Timberlands. And I’m fighting that aging crap every. step. of. the. way. Grandmas today are definitely NOT your Grandma’s Grandma! Right?

Time marches on. But we have the tools to slow it down!

For several months now, I have been using the Avon re:tune Inner Beauty Collagen Booster powder. I put one scoop in my Earl Grey every morning. It blends in to my tea nicely and has no flavor or aftertaste at all. It’s a nice added boost to my morning and evening skin care routines (which are pretty extensive in themselves).

Me at 66

But one thing I’ve noticed that I wasn’t expecting – I have a LOT more new hair growth than usual. While brushing my hair the other day, I noticed a huge clump of short hairs – like less than four inches long – at the front of my hairline. What the heck is going on there? I don’t have bangs, and I haven’t had a haircut in two years, since before the pandemic.

Look at this!

So I did a little internet research on this. And yes, it appears that collagen powder MAY have a positive effect on hair growth! Not only that, but it MAY also help keep the grays away! Who knew???

So, if your hair is thinning, or if you’re just looking for collagen powder for your skin, you may want to take a look at this product and give it a try for a month. What have you got to lose?

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