Tag: direct sales tips

The Power of Consistency: How It Pays Off in Direct Sales

August 28, 2023

In the world of direct sales, success isn’t like ordering pizza – it doesn’t arrive within 30 minutes or less, guaranteed. I wish!

Nope – in direct sales (or any sales profession, for that matter), to be successful requires something called consistency. You know, that thing we all try to practice at the gym and fail miserably at when it comes to dieting.

But, fear not! In this blog post, we’ll dive into the quirky world of consistent direct sales, and uncover how it’s the secret sauce to turning you into a Sales Superstar!

1. Building Trust and Credibility:
Picture this: you promised your best friend a movie night, and you actually delivered. Now she’s convinced you’re the master of movie plans. Consistency works the same way in direct sales. When you consistently deliver on your promises, your clients start to believe that you can move mountains – or at least, move products like a pro.

It seems like a no-brainer, but say what you’re going to do, and then do it! Keep your appointments, be on time, bring the sample she asked for last week. She will love you for remembering. Write it down so you don’t forget. I confess: I am very forgetful, so I use a paper planner AND put appointments in my phone so I get the reminder dings, plus I carry a little notebook to make notes of things I want to remember while visiting with my clients. Once I get home, I take care of the notes right away by adding them to my planner, ordering the samples requested, etc. It’s a lot, but it helps me stay on track. Getting old sucks!!

2. Nurturing Relationships:
Let’s be honest – relationships take work. And that’s what direct sales is all about – building and nurturing relationships. It’s like adopting a houseplant that somehow manages to be high-maintenance. Your beautiful, expensive plant is dying – you have no idea what’s wrong, so you Google it to find out how to care for it properly. (In my case, it’s usually under- or overwatering.)

But in direct sales, consistent communication is your watering can. Regular follow-up calls and emails show that you care, even if it’s not as thrilling as catching up with a friend. Your clients will appreciate your “consistent watering,” and your sales will flourish like a well-tended garden.

If you’re an introvert like me, maybe you hate making phone calls. I get it! I despise it, and have to work myself up to even call my clients who don’t use text or email to schedule deliveries. So, obviously, I am not a phone-call follow-up person.

However, I do consistently mail brochures to my clients, and I consistently post special deals and coupon codes on social media. When there is a special on something I happen to know one of my clients loves, I will text or email her with that information – it depends on her preferred method of communication.

3. Long-Term Business Growth:
You know what’s not consistent? The weather (unless you’re lucky enough to live in San Diego). You know what is? Consistent sales efforts. While a spontaneous burst of activity might make you feel like a superstar for a day, it’s the day-in and day-out grind that creates the real success story.

Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare? That tortoise had the right idea, just plodding along doing his thing, while that crazy hare had a case of the zoomies and then thought he had it made, so he took a long nap while the tortoise passed him by and won the race.

4. Brand Recognition and Recall:
Ever walked into a room and forgotten why you’re there? That’s not the kind of forgetfulness you want in direct sales. Consistency in branding is like putting sticky notes all over your customer’s brain. They won’t forget you, even if they try. Plus, it’s more effective than leaving post-it notes on their front door.

To stay top of mind, make sure everyone knows who you are and what you do (without being obnoxious, of course). Your social media profiles should include your title, your company, and a link to your online store. Wear your products (if applicable) so you can sprinkle them into conversations when you get compliments on them. Put a decal in your car’s back window (but keep in mind that this may change your insurance rates). If your company has brochures, leave them everywhere you go – waiting rooms, bus stops, diner foyers, etc.). Post your business cards on local bulletin boards.

The recognition and recall will stick. When someone posts in a Facebook group that they are looking for a Tupperware or Thirty-One or Avon consultant, others will respond with YOUR name and tag you because they associate that with you. Voila! New client.

5. Adaptation and Improvement:
Remember that time you tried to impress your cat with a fancy trick, and she just stared at you like you’d lost your marbles? Well, direct sales can be a bit like that – you need to adapt to what works.

For example, if you’re looking to gain clients in the 65+ age group, doing silly TikTok videos is probably not going to work (but it may get you younger clients). Likewise, if you want to appeal to 20-somethings, knocking on doors is not your best bet. Think about who your target audience is, and research how they shop, what appeals to them, and where they spend their money. Then, adapt your strategy to fit those parameters.

Consistently evaluating your market and your tactics, and changing things up when needed is like mastering the art of pet psychology – minus the bewildered stares.

6. Overcoming Challenges:
Life throws us curveballs, and direct sales does too. But if consistency were a superhero, it would wear a cape labeled “resilience.” Consistently showing up, even when things get tough, is like telling challenges, “Hey, I’ve got my game face on. Bring it!” So, don’t be surprised if challenges end up retreating faster than my Chihuahua at bath time.

Direct sales is kind of like a roller coaster ride – exhilarating, exciting, ups, downs, and a few stomach-flipping moments. But with consistency as your seat belt, you’re in for an overall smooth ride that leads to YOUR success.

Whether you’re building trust, nurturing relationships, growing your business, or just trying not to trip over your shoelaces in the sales arena, remember that a dash of consistency and a sprinkle of humor can make the journey not only fruitful, but enjoyable too!