Sold Out! How to Avoid Avon Out of Stocks

Every day, I see Avon Representatives in the Facebook groups complaining about items being sold out, and I need to say something.

Whining and moaning to people in a Facebook group is not helping. All it does is make you look like Debbie Downer.

You cannot control this. But you CAN control how you’re going to handle it. You are a professional business person. You need to figure out how to avoid being in this situation, and how to communicate with your customers when it does happen. Spreading your negativity to your customers will only serve to lose you customers. But handled with care and diplomacy, your customers will still love you.

Most of the items in question are seasonal or holiday items, or they may be products that are being discontinued and put on clearance at slashed prices.

Case in point: the LG Tone Free earbuds that recently went on sale for $39.99 (their regular price was $175). This is an amazing deal! Are you going to wait around for two weeks to order it? I hope not, because you’re going to be disappointed.

Have you ever gone to Macy’s or JC Penney’s when they’re having a big clearance sale? Retailers do this to unload products that didn’t sell at the start of the season, to clear out warehouse space for the upcoming season. So you’re walking around Macy’s, and you see that spring jacket that you wanted but couldn’t afford at $80, and now it’s marked down to $19.99. Woohoo!

But wait. They don’t have your size. Why? Because someone else got there before you. Do you complain to the manager and demand that she find more stock in your size? Or that Macy’s suppliers make more jackets like that one? Sorry, sister, the manufacturers are now busy making winter clothes, which will be on the shelves in just a few short months.

Avon is no different.

Products like the Mother’s Day Bundle are around for one or two campaigns. They are a steal. Everyone is going to want them. The higher-ups at Avon do a lot of calculations to decide how many of a product to stock so that there is enough to go around. If they buy too many, they end up with overstock they have to sell off at clearance prices. If they buy too few, some people won’t get them. It is nearly impossible to get it exactly right, which is why every retailer on the planet has the same issues.

So what can YOU do to make it better?

For one thing, always order your brochures two campaigns ahead, and give them out early. Then, place your bulk order on the first day of the new campaign. I’ve been doing this for years and have very few out-of-stock issues. You can always place a second order later in the campaign if needed.

When there is a hot item for sale, let your customers know that it will sell out fast. You can even put a sticker on the front of the brochure, encouraging them to order early.

And when the inevitable does happen, handle it with grace. Say something like, “Oh, I’m sorry but XXX was a really popular item and is already sold out. Would you like to try YYY instead?” Remember, bashing your company not only hurts Avon, but it hurts your business and your reputation as well. Customers for the most part are very understanding.

An Avon business is built on relationships; sales are what follows. Tend your relationships with customers. Handle them with care and compassion. When your customers like you as a person, they will continue shopping with you even if they are disappointed from time to time.

And if you are an Avon customer reading this, I would be delighted to serve as your Avon Representative. Head on over to to see everything Avon has to offer. It’s not your grandma’s Avon anymore!