The Body Shop at Home Closes USA Direct Sales

The Body Shop at Home is ending its USA direct-selling operations after just two and a half years.

This is so sad, and I feel bad for all of the consultants who joined this company with high hopes, and are now left with nothing and having to start over.

Two years ago, a large number of Avon Representatives left the company to join The Body Shop at Home. Many of them had successful Avon businesses, and some were even top sellers with the company who consistently earned vacation trips and had huge teams with high leadership earnings. At the time, I wondered why they would walk away from such lucrative careers for an unknown opportunity. When they left Avon, not only did they leave their customers hanging, but they also lost their downlines. Their entire teams.

It’s heartbreaking.

This, of course, can happen at any time with any company. Nothing in life is guaranteed, as we know.

BUT, given the choice of a company that’s been around for 137 years and was the first one to empower women in direct sales positions, versus a startup with no verifiable history in direct sales, it just seems like a no-brainer to me.

My loyalty remains with my team, and with my company, Avon, and will for the foreseeable future. I have worked hard over the last six years to build my customer base and my team of awesome Representatives.

Does Avon have issues? Of course it does. What company doesn’t? These past couple years, with COVID and its aftermath of supply-chain debacles, just about every company in the world has suffered. But we work through the problems, and we find solutions. In a storm, we adjust the sails and sail on.

I wish nothing but the best for all of the consultants left high and dry, and I hope they find alternative sources of income quickly.

#thebodyshopathome #tbsah #bestdirectsalescompany #avonrepresentative