Heads Up: Changes to Avon’s 2022 Campaign Calendar!

Soooooo, have you heard this big news?

Avon announced on September 21, 2022, that they are adding Campaigns 27 and 28 to the selling calendar this year! This is great news, because the calendar has been out of sync for several years now. With 26 campaigns, each lasting two weeks, every year it gets a little more behind because there are actually 52.14 weeks in a year (52.29 in leap years). It has now gotten so far behind that Campaign 26 ends on December 6! This means that we Avon Representatives only had until December 6 to earn incentives, qualify for President’s Club, etc.

The new calendar now looks like this:

Campaign 1, 2023, will now begin on January 4, 2023, NOT December 7, 2022. This is a one-time-only change, just an adjustment to get the calendar back on track.

What About Brochures?

The brochures for Campaigns 27 and 28 will be numbered as such, and customers will be made aware of this one-time change. Campaign 27 will still have holiday items for sale.

What Does It Mean For You?

As an Avon Representative, this is VERY good news! Think about this: ALL programs and incentives that ended in Campaign 26 will now end in Campaign 28. This includes the President’s Recognition Program, Pinnacle Awards, and all incentives.

If you are tracking towards Premier, President’s Club, Honor Society, Rose Circle, etc., you now have two extra campaigns to achieve!

If you are a Bronze Ambassador or above and eligible for allocated recruits under the Leadership New Representative Allocation Program, this also now goes through Campaign 28.

If you are a Contender or Premier-Level Representative eligible for the Avon NEXT Free Shipping incentive, that now goes through Campaign 28, too.

New Representatives who sign up between now and January 3, 2023, are eligible for the Free Gift With First Order and $10 Credit Towards Second Order.


Destination Avon 2022! Do you want to go to Cancun? You now have two more campaigns to earn the trip- but that’s not all! There are also two NEW ways to earn!

Earn With Personal Sales

If you increase your AVERAGE campaign sales from Campaigns 1-18 by $700 during Campaigns 19-28, you will earn the trip! So, say you had $10,000 in sales at the end of Campaign 18. That would make your AVERAGE sales $555 (10,000 divided by 18). You would need to average $1,255 in sales from Campaign 19 through Campaign 28 in order to earn the trip. This doesn’t mean you have to have $1,255 in every campaign, but that the ten campaigns would average out to that.

And you can still earn with the original goal, too. This is just an additional way you can get there.

If you are a New Representative (starting in Campaign 19 or later), you’ll need cumulative sales of $7,000 by the end of Campaign 28 to earn the trip.

Earn With Team Building

With this method for leaders, you’ll earn a trip of you convert 50 new first-generation team members with first or second campaign orders of $100+ between Campaign 19 and Campaign 28. You can still earn with your original team sales goal as well.

All details will be available soon in your Incentives Hub and Vibe trackers.