Free Printable Avon Order Forms

Free Printable Avon Order Forms

If you’ve been an Avon Representative for a while, you probably miss the little receipt books we used to be able to order for free. If you’re a new Rep, you’ve probably never had these books.

I’ve noticed that there are several people selling the receipt books on eBay for ridiculous prices. PLEASE do not buy them! These people are Avon Representatives who ordered a lot of books when they saw they were being discontinued, and they are gouging other Avon Representatives for them. That’s just wrong!

Of course, you can use the invoicing tool on to print your own customer invoices. But some of you may not have a printer, or you run your business from your smartphone. Or, like me, you just find the process cumbersome. Plus, it uses up your paper and toner, a whole page for each customer’s order.

I am old school. I like writing the forms up as I take the order, so the invoice is already done when the order arrives. Besides, I carry a good deal of inventory because I do vendor shows, so many times a customer orders something I have in stock, which is kind of a pain to add to the online invoicing tool.

So, I created a duplicate of the original order forms in Excel. They are four to a page, and I am sharing them with you so you can use them too. I will add the PDF below, as well as the Excel file in case you want to make changes or add your own information.

Here is the PDF version:

And here is the Excel file:

That’s it! Now all you have to do is save it to your computer, print as many as you need, and cut them up.

You’re welcome!

#avonreceiptbooks #avonorderforms