Avon Is Launching a New Website – Here’s What You Need To Know

November 14, 2021

If you’re a current Avon Representative, get ready for some exciting changes coming soon!

On December 9, 2021, Avon will be launching its brand-new website and app. Be sure to watch your email and the training calendar on AvonNow.com for announcements of upcoming training events, and register for them. Even if you are unable to attend the training, if you’re registered you’ll get a link to the replay.

I was on a recent Leadership Scoop Zoom meeting, where we got an overview of what’s to come. Don’t worry; it’s all good! But you do need to be aware and start preparing for the change. Here are some of the things you need to know now:


As mentioned above, the site will launch on Thursday, December 9.


All orders for Campaign 26 MUST be submitted by 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday, December 6! This is one day earlier than usual. If you are tracking for the Hawaii trip, this is CRITICAL. Be sure to get those orders in on time! You don’t want to miss out on the vacation of a lifetime because you were a day late.

The site will be offline from 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time December 7 until the new site launches at about noon on December 9. We will not be able to place orders on December 7 or 8. Please plan accordingly.

When the new site goes live on December 9, Avon and LG H&H are supporting you and your customers with 10% off online store orders for 72 hours post-launch!


There will be ONE WEBSITE for both Avon Representatives and Customers. Your login will determine what areas of the site you have access to. For example, you will be able to order brochures and business tools, but customers will not. You will also still have access to your Dashboard, the Leadership Dashboard, Avon U, the Incentives Hub, etc. Customers will have an enhanced shopping experience.

There will be a new URL, but your current estore address will automatically redirect to the new one. Your reference code will not change. If you are using a purchased domain name (such as one from GoDaddy) that redirects, you will want to eventually change the redirect to the new URL. (We don’t know what that is yet.)

Your customers will be able to message you through the new website, and you will be able to have a LIVE CHAT with them! How cool is that?

Your estore will have links to your social profiles so your customers can follow you!

You will be able to personalize your profile and interests so that potential new customers can be matched to you based on their interests. An Avon “match” site, if you will.

The site will have enhanced fraud protection.

It will have faster order processing and faster payment to you.

The Customer Invoicing feature will be enhanced.

The new AVON GO app for mobile devices will be for both Avon Representatives and Customers.


The new method of payment to you will be through the Avon Wallet feature. You may already be familiar with this type of arrangement, but if not, don’t fret. The Wallet just gives you more options for payment!

If you currently are using an Avon Card to receive your funds, that option is going away, but you will still be able to use the funds on your card until they are used up.

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST HAVE A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ON FILE WITH AVON. If you do not, please take care of it as soon as possible.

All earnings from direct delivery sales and leadership will be deposited into your Avon Wallet, and you will receive a link when funds are available. The Wallet is compatible with apps such as Venmo and PayPal, and you can transfer money directly to your bank from the Wallet also. Think of it as a holding place for your money until you move it to where you want it.

You’ll be happy to know that you will no longer wait two days after your direct delivery orders ship to get paid. The funds will be available on the day of the order!


There are no changes to the current Avon credit policy.

You may use a combination of Avon credit (if you currently have credit) and one credit card to pay your order in full at checkout.


Here’s some great news: All Representatives in good standing will be searchable on the new site! Not just President’s Recognition Program achievers. You will be matched with potential customers and recruits based on your profile and interests, so be sure you personalize your online store as soon as you are able to! Trainings will be coming up on that. You will also be able to upload a short video introducing yourself and why you love being an Avon Representative.

All team leaders at Bronze Ambassador level and up will be eligible to get new recruits through the site. There will no longer be a requirement of two personal recruits placing their first order in the previous three campaigns. The allocation of recruits will be randomized, but priority will be given based on interest matching. This will be interesting!


This is a big one, folks. You read that right – all customers in your address book MUST have a valid, working email address in the system. I realize that many do not – even many of my customers are elderly and do not have email. Or customers that I personally deliver to, I’ve never asked them for their email address because I didn’t need it. BUT – now we need them.

What will happen if we don’t have an email address for a customer?

It’s not the end of the world, but your customers without valid email addresses WILL NOT migrate to the new system. Their information will be lost, including their order history. If this is something that you use and refer to, there are ways to save it before the migration takes place. Once the new site launches, however, it will be too late. Now, I have always kept my own separate records of all orders, so I will be okay if history is lost in the website. But you may not be doing that, so act now if you need to save this information. But first, ask yourself if you REALLY need to save each customer’s order history.

If the answer is yes, you will want to go here:

Then enter a customer’s name:

Use the drop-down arrow to select Past 27 campaigns…then you can print the history or copy and paste it into a spreadsheet.

But what do I do going forward with customers that don’t have email?

Well, you can do one of two things:

  1. Ask the customer if she will allow you to create a special email address for her for the purpose of your ordering, and if she agrees, create one for her.
  2. Place their orders as a bulk order under your own name, and keep separate records. You will still be able to create invoices through the system if that’s how you do it, but you will have to do them manually.

What about new customers I add later?

The same rules apply. Each new customer entered will have to have a valid email address. There is no getting around it.


When creating a return, items cannot be selected across multiple orders for an RMA. A separate RMA must be created for each order. However, multiple RMAs can be shipped together in one box.

You will pay for shipping at your shipping facility (USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc.). Avon will no longer send you labels and charge shipping to your Avon account.

Return credit will be applied only after the RMA is processed at the distribution center.


  • The Build a Future Order function will be unavailable for C1 ONLY. It will return for C2 and beyond.
  • The Shoppable Brochure and What’s New will be replaced by PDF versions. The digital brochure is being enhanced and will be shoppable.
  • Your credit card information will need to be re-entered the first time you use it in the new site.
  • You will need to change your password the first time you enter the new site.
  • There are no changes to the Avon Credit Policy.
  • You may combine Avon Credit (if you currently have credit) and one credit card to pay in full at checkout.


  • Make sure Avon has your Social Security Number on file.
  • Start gathering email addresses for your customers who have them, and get them entered into your Address Book.
  • Download customer history for any customers that you need it for.
  • Plan for early submission of your Campaign 26 order (before 5 p.m. Eastern on Monday, December 6)!