Your Best Sales Tool: The Iconic Avon Brochure

As an Avon Representative, you know that the most important thing for your business is that people KNOW you’re an Avon Representative. Building a business takes time, effort, consistency, and lots and lots of patience. I see so many new Representatives put out ten brochures for their first campaign, and then give up after they don’t get any orders from those ten brochures.

Well, there are a whole lot more than ten potential clients in the United States. If you’re going to give up after one try, how serious are you about owning a business? Did you know that most new businesses take a year or more before they turn a profit? The first year is about investing in your business to make it grow. And the best thing you can invest in as a new Avon Representative is your brochures.

Of course, you should be sharing your online store (estore) link and the digital brochure via social media, text, and email, but there are millions of people who still want to hold a glossy book in their hands and flip through it, turning down the pages of items they like and want to order. Those are the people we are talking about in this post.

You need to order brochures every campaign and get them into the hands of people. Order them two campaigns in advance so you have time to prepare them (this also helps avoid brochures being sold out), and order as many as you can afford. The more packs of ten you order, the cheaper they are per pack. Here is the current pricing as of September 2021:

1 pack – 10 Brochures 64.9¢ $6.49
2 packs – 20 Brochures 48.9¢ $ 9.78
3 packs – 30 Brochures 41.8¢ $12.54
4 packs – 40 Brochures 37.6¢ $15.04
5 packs – 50 Brochures 33.0¢ $16.50

6 or more packs: $16.50 (for the first 5 packs) + $3.30 for each additional pack

Put your information on the back of the brochures. You can handwrite or use labels. I have a little Dymo 450 thermal label printer that has paid for itself many times over. It’s so simple to use and takes just a few seconds to create a new label and print out the exact quantity you need. Included on my labels are my name, phone number, email address, estore address, campaign dates, and Facebook page. I also include a small label with my QR code that goes straight to my estore. On the front of the brochure I’ll place labels pointing out special deals in the book or recruiting information.

Once your brochures are prepared, it’s time to get them out there before the campaign starts. If you’re not inclined to walk through neighborhoods and putting them on porches, I don’t blame you. But NEVER put them in or on a mailbox – it is a federal crime and could get you a fine.

Some Representatives do what is known as a “book toss” – where they drive through a neighborhood and literally toss brochures in clear plastic bags out their car window into people’s driveways. This works for some brave souls, but I personally shy away from doing it. Some people are not too happy with having to pick up what they consider trash in their driveway, and your contact info is right there. So I like to stick to letting people find me.

One thing I do is hang a basket of brochures on the back of my vehicle everywhere I go. The zipper bags fit brochures perfectly and keep them dry. I include recruiting information and an offer for online shoppers to receive a free gift in the mail. This has gotten me several clients.

You can also leave brochures at local businesses if they allow it. Think of all the places in your town:

  • Mom and Pop grocery stores
  • Beauty salons
  • Auto repair shops
  • Thrift shops
  • Tattoo parlors
  • Nail salons
  • Coffee shops
  • Diners
  • Doctors’ offices
  • Laundromats
  • Gas stations

You get the idea!

How to Reach Out-of-Area Clients

Do you have friends or family members who live out of state? I recommend using Campaign Mailer to get brochures to them. Campaign Mailer is a service run by an Independent Avon Sales Representative (not by Avon corporate) that uses bulk mail to save money on postage. Because they have such a high volume of brochures mailed every campaign, it is much, much cheaper to use their service than to purchase brochures and mail them yourself. If you take a brochure to the post office, it will be more than $3.00 to mail a single one. (Note: you cannot use Media Mail to send advertising material, and the post office is allowed to open and inspect anything mailed under Media Mail.)

With Campaign Mailer, the price varies based on the number of brochures sent and if you want flyers or samples included with them. But to mail a brochure by itself, it runs from $1.89 each for 1-9 brochures, to $1.39 each for 200+. That price includes the cost of the brochure itself, so you are saving quite a bit of money. I recently mailed out 140 brochures for $208.60 or $1.49 each. If I had mailed those at the post office, it would have been at least $500 between the cost of the brochures, envelopes, and postage.

You can also choose what date you want the brochures mailed by picking mail date A, B, C, D, E, or F. I use C or D, and my brochures arrive a few days before the beginning of the campaign.

The point is, you want to get as many of your brochures into the hands of people as humanly possible. Any way you do that is fine, but do it! Your brochure is your store, and if nobody has them, your store is not open and people won’t shop. Order your brochures now, and think of all the places you can leave them. As you drive around town, more and more ideas will pop into your head. Think like a business owner! That is the key.

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