Winds Change. You Can Capsize, or Adjust Your Sails. Your Choice.

One of my favorite quotes is “The only thing constant is change.” Another is “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Lately, I’ve been watching some Avon Representatives in the Facebook groups losing their minds over small changes the company has recently announced in order to save money and streamline operations, as well as the discontinuation of some products that are not selling well.

Sure, these are small inconveniences, and you may have to smooth some ruffled feathers of your customers. But if you’re not going to move forward with your company, guess what? You are going to be left behind. Stop complaining, and figure out how you’re going to deal with it. Whining is not attractive and you’re not doing yourself any favors. You are a business owner, and if you want your business to survive and thrive, you have to be positive, be professional, and keep moving forward.

Take a look at the Avon Lady in the picture. Do you wear a suit, gloves, and a hat to call on your customers? If nothing ever changed, that’s what you would be doing. If you want “old Avon” back, exactly which decade would you like Avon to return to? The 1880s? The 1950s? The 1970s?

Look at the products behind our 1960s Avon Lady. How many of these are still around? I’ll bet Skin So Soft is the only one. Seriously, would you buy these products today? Things change! Products are discontinued every day, by every company in the world, and new, better products are introduced. And the world keeps turning.

In 1969, around the time of the above picture, I was starting high school. Here’s what my life was like:

  • Our telephone hung on the kitchen wall and had a 20 foot cord so I could take it inside the hall closet to talk to my boyfriend.
  • We got three channels on our television with a rooftop antenna, and we had to get up and walk over to the TV to change the channel and then mess with the antenna to get it to come in without “snow.”
  • Girls were still not allowed to wear pants to school (not until 1970). And even then, no jeans.
  • Everyone smoked, in restaurants, on airplanes, and even in hospital rooms.
  • There were no smart phones, no computers. You did your research in the library. With BOOKS. If the school library didn’t have it, you had to get your parents to take you to the town library. Papers were written on notebook paper or typed with a typewriter. Side note: my typing teacher, Mrs. Lockhart, used to hit our fingers with her ruler when we made a typing mistake.
  • Teachers regularly spanked children with wooden paddles.
  • Babies rode in car seats like this and it was considered safe:

What if nothing ever changed??? Is 1969 where you would want to be right now? Think about it.

I know it’s not fun when products are discontinued that your customers love. But you can put a positive spin on it by saying something like, “You know, I get it, and I’m sorry it’s being discontinued. But you know what? I heard that they’re coming out with something even better that I think you’ll love.” Be genuine, empathic, and helpful. Look for another solution for them. Your business is more about solving problems than about selling products. Whatever you say, never show negativity towards the company with your customers. You are a Representative of the company; the face of the company. Your attitude is everything.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

-Henry Ford

One of the Facebook reps lamented, “What about reps who don’t have computers?” Okay, I have to ask, how are they placing their orders? Avon hasn’t accepted paper purchase orders for a few years. If they don’t have a computer, they must be using a smartphone or tablet. What business isn’t these days? It would be very difficult, if not impossible, for an Avon rep to do business without internet access.

And if small things like this are going to make or break you, maybe you just aren’t cut out to be a business owner and you should just stick to working for someone else so they can make money. If you’re a true entrepreneur, you will find a way to make it work. “Nevertheless, she persevered.”

Another one of my favorite quotes: “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”

Sail on!

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