Time to Start Your Side Hustle

(It’s FREE!)

It’s back! Join Avon completely FREE, for a limited time!

Right now, you can join the team with one of these options:

  • $0 free sign-up.
  • A contribution of as little as $5 to our partner the American Cancer Society.
  • Or, choose one of our new $30 starter collections packed with best-selling products and brochures.

Speaking of FREE.all new Representatives get serious rewards with their first order!

Here are the details:

  • FREE full-size belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb ($38 value) with your first AvonNow.com order of any size.
  • When your first order is $60+, you’ll get a $10 credit towards your second campaign.
  • And new Representatives who join in Campaigns 16 to 20 will also get FREE SHIPPING on their first order when placed by the end of their second campaign. (Free shipping will be reflected as an $8 credit in your account.)
  • Earn up to $2,000* in Pathway to Premier bonuses in your first 8 campaigns (wouldn’t that help with your holiday shopping?)

Isn’t it time you started your side hustle? Click here to go straight to the signup page!

*All new Representatives earned an average of $112 over their first 8 campaigns, but those who participated in Pathway to Premier earned an average of $390 over their first 8 campaigns, based on those who started in Campaigns 5 through 9, 2020 (exclusive of signup and shipping costs).

This post updated August 9, 2021. Free signup offer good through September 14, 2021.