Ten Reasons Why You Should Join Pammy’s Fearless Foxes

Updated July 28, 2023

If you’re thinking about a side hustle (or a main gig, for that matter), please take a few minutes and read this! I LOVE my Avon business, and I’d like to share with you why you will love it too. Following are ten great reasons to join my Avon team, Pammy’s Fearless Foxes, today. Of course, there are many more reasons, but these are my Top Ten.


Join for Zero Dollars! That’s right, free signups are back for a limited time starting July 7, 2021! Or, you can join for just $30, and get this starter kit!

Your starter kit comes with all of the products pictured, plus five current brochures to help you get your business off the ground. You can use the products as demos, sell them for 100% profit, or use them yourself – they’re yours to do whatever you like with.

Your other signup option is making a contribution of $5.00 or more to the American Cancer Society (ACS). This option does not include products or brochures, but no worries – I’ll be here to help you get started, and you’ll also have all the tools and training you need online!

Love the starter kits? Ready to sign up? Click here!


When you Premier level ($5,000 in annual sales), you give yourself a raise! In fact, with each sales level milestone, you will earn more money with each sale you make. You’ll be starting out with 25% on Beauty & Jewelry and 25% on Fashion & Home, but your commission increases with each new sales level and is locked in for the rest of the year and most of the following year.

Achievement LevelBeauty & JewelryFashion & Home
Contender (< $5,000 annual sales) with $40+ campaign sales25%20%
Premier ($5,000+ annual sales)30%20%
President’s Club ($10,000+ annual sales)40%25%


NO minimum order size is required. Keep in mind, however, that you do need to reach at least $40 in total sales during a campaign (including your direct delivery orders) to earn commission – but it is not a requirement. And $40 is not hard to reach, especially if you are purchasing brochures, demos, etc., in addition to your customers’ orders.

Once you reach Premier level, you no longer have to meet that $40 threshold to earn commission – you’ll earn it on all sales.

And, you are not required to place an order every campaign, though it is recommended to keep your business growing. Your account will go “inactive” if you miss six campaigns in a row, but you can still reactivate it by placing an order within one year of your last order. After that year passes, you would have to sign up again.


NO inventory is required. You know how some direct sales companies require that you order so much per month to keep your representative or affiliate status? Not Avon! In fact, it is not recommended that you keep inventory on hand, unless you do vendor shows. Of course, once you get familiar with your clients and their needs/favorite products, it’s perfectly fine to have a small stock around for quick cash-and-carry sales.


NO assigned territories anymore. Back in the day, when I sold Avon in the 1980s, we were assigned a neighborhood to cover. But now, with the Internet bringing us all together, and online sales, there is no geographical limit to where you can sell Avon within the United States! You can sell to your neighbors, to your friends in the next town, to your daughter who lives 1,500 miles away, and to your high school friends who are spread across the country. Each Avon Representative builds his or her own customer base through contacts, networking, posting on social media, and optional advertising within Avon’s policy guidelines.


You get a FREE online store that is open immediately, as soon as you sign up! Many direct sales companies charge a monthly fee of $30 or more for their websites. Not Avon! The online store is personalized to you, and you can begin sharing your custom URL immediately. Customers can shop the entire product line, flip through a PDF of the paper brochure, or enjoy the digital brochure for an interactive experience. A really fun aspect of the digital brochure is the try-on tool – they can use their phone’s camera or a photo of themselves to try on different shades of makeup. So cool! You can even choose to just sell online if you want. Earn commission without doing any work – that’s a no-brainer!


You will have FREE training and support from me as your Avon Advisor, as well as on the Avon U training platform. There are literally hundreds of short courses on Avon U that you can take to learn every aspect of your new business. Start with the New Representative courses, and go on from there, and you will be an expert Representative in no time! And I am always available to answer your questions and assist you with your needs too. Also, there is the Avon USA Representatives Facebook page, where there are live training sessions all the time, and webinars from the Learning & Development Team are happening several times a week. You may be an Independent Sales Representative, but you are NEVER alone!


Did I mention that your commission is also a discount on your products that you buy for yourself? As a new Representative, you’ll enjoy 25% off your beauty and jewelry purchases, and 20% off your fashion and home products. And as you reach higher commission levels, your discount increases too. Take a look at the current brochure and make a list of all the things you want to try right now! From skin care, to makeup, to bath & body products, to fragrance, to trending fashion and jewelry, to cleaning products for your whole house – well, you just have to see it to appreciate it all!


Incentives!!! I have earned things like cold hard cash, $175 in Marriott gift cards, and hundreds of dollars worth of free products, not to mention all-expenses-paid trips to Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and Hawaii! And I’m not even a top Sales Representative. It’s not as hard as you think to earn incentives.


Want to earn even more money and make a career of it? Build a team and take advantage of Avon’s generous Leadership Compensation Plan! Watch your income grow as your team grows!

Ready to Sign Up?

Click here to start your journey now!